The babies are all doing very good. They are all getting very big and to the really cute and fun age - 3 weeks :).
I sexed some of the babies (Sugar's, Milky's & Mocha's) today. I do not remember what all the babies were (that's what you get for sexing 13 babies on one day!), but I have it written down in my barn. I will update with that info when possible ;).
Totsie's babies are all doing well. The baby we almost lost last Wednesday is doing great. It's the "wild child" of her litter - always getting out of the box. But, thankfully the weather has warmed up a lot, so the babies can all stay in the barn without fear of them dieing from the cold.
I think I have a special color in Val's litter, but I will not announce what it is until I am certain and I can get pictures :)!!
Our camera has stopped working, so I cannot get any pictures of any bunnies or babies. We have orderd a new camera and it should be here in just a few days. So, once the camera arrives ,there will be pictures galore, Lord willing!
~ Qadoshyah
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
The babies are growing!
Posted by Qadoshyah at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Babies & Happenings
The babies are all doing good. A few days ago we lost 2 of Milky's blue babies, because they got out of the box and got too cold :(. So, since then we have been bringing the nestboxes into a warmer spot at night and taking them back out to their momma's in the morning. Yes, we've been bringing in 5 boxes a night - Fun :)!
We almost lost one of Totsie's babies last night. I got home late last night and went out to check on the buns and bring the boxes in. Well, one of Tots' babies had gotten out sometime earlier in the night/day and it was *very* cold . . . to the point where it was almost dead (it did stop breathing when I had it in my shirt). I put the baby in my shirt and ran inside. I tried putting the baby in a ziploc bag and then submerging it in warm water. That was a bit too complicated - I was afraid I was going to suffocate the baby. So, we put the baby in my mom's shirt, since she is such a warm body :), and that helped a lot. In the mean-time we warmed the heating pad up. I put the baby on the heating pad, created a tunnel and had the heating pad all around the baby. It took about 30 minutes or so, but the baby finally warmed up. It is now back with it's siblings and doing great still :)!
Sugar's babies are plenty big enough to stay out at night. Milky's, Amber's & Mocha's babies will be able to stay out in a day or two. Val's & Totsie's babies will have to be brought in for several more days, unless the temp at night really warms up!
The colors in Totsie's litter so far are: 1 silver tip'd chocolate steel, 1 chocolate sable chinchilla, 1 lilac smoke pearl, 1 gold tip'd lilac steel, 1 lilac, 2 broken chocolates, and 1 broken lynx. So, yes she has a plethora of colors!
Val has 3 or 4 pointeds in her litter :). Can't tell too much yet, besides some color on the tails.
I have had a ton of interest in my litters, so I really do not know how many babies I will have available. I will have to see what sexes the babies are and how their type is. I am planning on keeping a baby from Mocha's litter, Michael over at Silent Springs Rabbitry will be getting 1 of Mocha's babies. I am planning on keeping one or two babies from Val's litter (pointed whites), the lilac smoke pearl and maybe the chocolate sable chin from Totsie's litter. Other than that I am not planning on keeping others, but it will all depend on how the babies look.
I may keep something out of Sugar's litter, since I am considering selling Sugar & Milky, but I am not totally sure yet. Sugar gives me the most gorgeous babies, so I am not sure I want to sell her!
Cody is sold and he will be leaving to Washington for Amy at Stormie Haven Mini Lops in June, Lord willing.
The two broken chocolate juniors I have will be leaving today in just a few minutes, Lord willing, to a wonderful pet home :).
I think that's all for now.
~ Qadoshyah
Posted by Qadoshyah at 1:39 PM 1 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Surprise Colors!
Since Totsie was bred to Daiquiri, I was expecting only chocolates and maybe some lilacs, if Tots carried dilute. When Tots had her babies there were a couple babies that I wasn't too sure of on their color, which was odd, since chocolates and lilacs are always so easy to tell from birth. These babies were still chocolate and lilac based, but they weren't a chocolate or lilac.
I realized a few days ago that one of the babies is a chocolate sable chinchilla. Very interesting color!!
I realized yesterday that the other "off" baby that Tots has (this baby is actually being raised by Val) is a lilac smoke pearl! VERY COOL!
This is very exciting, since these colors, particularly the lilac smoke pearl will help with the chocolate and lilac pointed whites so much, Lord willing.
Here's some pictures:
Lilac smoke pearl ~
next to a lilac:
lilac smoke pearl on left and chocolate sable chinchilla on right:chocolate sable chin next to a chocolate:
~ Qadoshyah
Posted by Qadoshyah at 2:40 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Baby update
The babies are all doing great! I took a real good look at them all this morning and got some pictures, so I will put them up on the site sometime soon here, Lord willing.
Amber has a seal in her litter, I just realized yesterday. That means that Amber carries shaded :). I already knew Cody did.
Totsie has a chocolate sable, it appears. Very cool! She has a couple lilacs, but I am not totally sure of all the colors of her babies just yet. She does have 2 brkn chocolates and a solid chocolate for sure though :).
I fostered Totsie's biggest baby over to Val yesterday, since she only had 5 and could easily raise 6. So, Totsie just has 7 of her own now. Some of Totsie's babies are small, so I encourage Tots to nurse the babies more this morning, so I think they will all be fine. I had Tots nurse the two tiniest babies separately so they have nice full bellies, like the others now. Lord willing they'll all make it.
The first few days with the babies is always kind of touch-n-go, especially with the big litters. But, taking the biggest babies out of a litter and putting them with a smaller litter helps give the smaller babies a chance. Encouraging the doe to nurse the babies a little bit more than once a day helps sometimes too . . . it gives the babies a jump start and helps increase the doe's milk.
All my does get lots of oats to help with their milk supply the first few days in particular.
~ Qadoshyah
Posted by Qadoshyah at 3:54 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Totsie kindles
Totsie was due today. I went out this morning to check on her . . .I wasn't really expecting any babies, since a lot of my does go over their due date some or have them later in the day.
I had also put tons of hay in Totsie's cage (covering the whole entire cage floor) last night before I went to bed. Tots had made no nest anywhere and had totally messed up the "nest" I had made in her box when I gave it to her. I was expecting babies to be all over the cage if she had them.
But, I came out and thankfully, she had made a beautiful nest in the box and had 8 babies in there!! All nice and healthy babies! Yay, praise the Lord! They are all chocolate colored babies, but I am not totally sure of all the colors yet. There's a few brokens and lots of solids. I think she may have a chocolate sable or two in there, but we'll see.
~ Qadoshyah
Posted by Qadoshyah at 12:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, April 13, 2008
More babies
Val kindled to 5 little babies this afternoon/early evening. All are "pink", so I won't know if they are pointed whites or REWs until they are about 2 weeks old. Lord willing there will be some BLUE pointeds in there, that'd be so cool!
I also updated the site tonight. I put some new pictures of Caramel and Heather up on the site also.
And, for fun, here are some pictures of the awesome poppy flower field that is about 5 miles from us :)!~ Qadoshyah
Posted by Qadoshyah at 11:54 PM 0 comments
Spring Bunnies & more
We had 5 new babies born late Friday night (at midnight!). Amber's the mother and she had 3 blues and 2 blacks. So odd that there are not any agoutis (like she is!), but that's the way genetics are sometimes.
Two bunnies went to their new homes today - the black jr. buck and the pointed white jr. buck. We only have 2 juniors available now!
Two bunnies that we sent to OR with Marla a month ago finally made it to WA yesterday!
The weather has been gorgeous here in S. CA for the past few days and the flowers are in full bloom. So, we took the x-pen down to the field below our house, set it up and took pics of a few of the bunnies. Here's pics of two of the buns we took down there - Chocolate & Striper :).
Chocolate ~Striper ~
My favorite picture of all of them ~
~ Qadoshyah
Posted by Qadoshyah at 2:30 PM 0 comments
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Baby Pictures
Here's some pictures of the babies:
Sugar's babies -
The little broken blue -
Milky's babies -
Mocha's babies - ~ Qadoshyah
Posted by Qadoshyah at 10:56 PM 0 comments
17 babies . . .
Well, Mocha kindled to 4 big & beautiful babies this morning, so that makes our baby count 17 right now :). Mocha has 2 lilacs, 1 black & 1 black agouti - probably chestnut agouti.
Sugar also has two agouti babies - one blue agouti (probably opal) and one lilac agouti (probably lynx).
I gave Val her box this morning and she went to making a nest right away! Totsie is looking very large, I expect a pretty good sized litter from her. I'm thinking Amber will have about 9 babies, we'll see . . . she's due today!
~ Qadoshyah
Posted by Qadoshyah at 12:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
I updated the site today! So, check it out :).
Milky kindled to 9 babies last night, the 8th. She has 3 lilacs (2 solids, 1 brkn), 3 chocolates (2 solids, 1 brkn), and 3 blacks (2 solids, 1 brkn).
Sugar kindled to 4 babies this morning, the 9th. She has 2 lilacs, 1 blue, and 1 brkn lilac. One of the babies is an agouti, but I don't remember if it was one of the lilacs or blues :). I fostered two of Milky's babies to Sugar.
Amber has been making her nest all morning, so I expect her to have the babies sometime today. Of course she has made her nest outside of the box and the weather is very cold, so I am hoping she will for sure have them in the day when I am around, so I can put them in the box right away.
~ Qadoshyah
Posted by Qadoshyah at 12:37 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Updated Sale Page & More
I updated the sale page last night. We have 5 juniors available right now and 1 senior buck. I took pictures of them all and put them all up on the site. The black jr. buck is *on hold* for Nancy and he will hopefully be going to his new home on Sunday, so that puts us down to 4 juniors available.
I have also decided that I am going to sell Alpine's Valorous, my pointed white doe (my foundation doe) after she has her litter and weans it. I am hoping she will have a pointed white doe in the litter that I can replace her with, Lord willing. I'll be selling Val for $75. She is well worth it! She's 2 years old and is pregnant with her 5th litter right now. She can be bred before shes leaves too.
Sugar & Milky are still holding out on me . . . they are one day over their due date, which I expect. I expect they'll have their babies tonight or tomorrow, Lord willing. Amber & Mocha both are due tomorrow. Mocha has made a nice nest in the box, but Amber has decided to make a "nest" outside of the box on the wire. So . . . we'll see how that goes :).
Val will get her nestbox tomorrow, Lord willing and Totsie will get her box a few days after that.
~ Qadoshyah
Posted by Qadoshyah at 2:20 PM 0 comments
Friday, April 4, 2008
Juniors, Nesting Does & more
I moved my bred does to the "baby cages" (the big 30"x30" or 36"x30 cages) the other day. Sugar & Milky are due on the 7th, which is Monday, so they got their nestboxes yesterday. They both went to making their nests right away :)! Mocha & Amber will get their boxes tomorrow, Lord willing.
My REW buck, Silence is gone to his new home with Heather now. The ST black steel jr. doe I have will leave on Sunday for her new home with Heather also.
I took some pictures of my juniors the other day. I am very happy with how they are all turning out! They are turning out absolutely beautiful! Here's a few pictures of them:
Bradbury is my youngest junior, being 8 weeks old, but he looks great still.
Rose is my oldest junior. She is starting to go through the uglies pretty bad. Her head is coming in, so it looks kind of funny right now. Her body doesn't look too bad yet. . .
Heather is my next oldest junior. Her head is just awesome! She's in the uglies quite bad right now, but she still has the cutest head.
Fizz is 11 weeks old and she doesn't look too bad yet . . .
And, last but not least, Brantini. He looks awesome still!
I also updated the website today.
Posted by Qadoshyah at 1:59 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
I took pictures and looked over all my juniors today (will post those pics tomorrow, Lord willing). They are all looking great. Some of them are starting to go through the uglies though, which is to be expected.
While I had Brantini out I noticed how long his ears are. They are so long, it's crazy. I'm pretty sure he will grow into his ears, since it looks like he'll have one massive head and crown, but he looks kind of awkward right now . . . especially when compared to Fizz, who is the same age (born same day) as him! Fizz's ears are short little things, LOL! Here's a couple pics of my Brant with the monster ears!
Fizz is on the left and Brantini is on the right:
No, I didn't try to get them looking the same direction, they just happened to do it and it was a great shot to see the difference in ear length!
One of Brant by himself:
~ Qadoshyah
Posted by Qadoshyah at 3:51 PM 0 comments