Friday, June 13, 2008

5 Bunnies Gone!

Just a quick update tonight . . .

5 bunnies left today! 4 of my bunnies and Cinnamon, Michael's doe I was housing.

2 bunnies are beginning their trip to WA . . . my bk chocolate buck, Bradbury who's going to Lisa. Michael's doe I was housing, Cinnamon, she's going to Nicole Velotta.

1 bunny went to Amy Ma at Venus Green ~ San Diego Rabbitry . . . Val's black pointed white buck, VJ7.

1 bunny is going to a family in Oceanside as a pet, a little brkn black doe :).

And the last bunny is going to Heidi . . . Sugar's broken blue buck.

That frees up two open cages, almost 3 . . . just gotta move out a few more babies. One of those cages will be filled again in just a couple days Lord willing . . .more to come on that!

Pretty soon I will only have the bunnies that are coming to Oklahoma with us. I won't have any babies for a few months - I'll miss that :(.

The weather has warmed up . . . almost 100 degrees today. Thankfully the misters do a pretty good job and it still cools down at night. . . I'm thankful for dry heat - no humidity where we are here!!

~ Qadoshyah