Not too much has been going on with the buns. They are all doing great and handling this warm weather fine. They've all started to blow their coats ;), so I've put the rest of the picture taking I was planning to do on hold until some of them get their coats in.
Things have been busy here with packing & such for our move.
I do have some sad news to share though . . .
Bradbury was such an adorable little buck and was a favorite of mine. He was turning out to be a stunning chocolate buck, who only needed a better head on him (but that's no biggie around here :)). I decided to let him go to Lisa for for a trade, since I figured Lisa would like him a lot and I can just repeat the breeding he is from. He was dropped off on June 13th to start his trip to WA. He was doing fantastic when he left here! By the time Lisa saw him on June 21st he was starting to show signs of wry neck. Bummer.
Lisa & I thought about what to do for a day and she finally decided she'd take him home and try to treat him. If I would've taken him back, he would not have made it home alive :(. Lisa treated him with Ivomec when she got home, but over the period of the next few days he started going down-hill quickly. By Friday night (he had been with Lisa for about 5 days) his head was so tilted and he was so bad that he was to the rolling point. I was hoping he'd make it to 7 days after the first Ivomec so that they could treat him again. But, he did not. Lisa had to have him put down because he could not even do anything except roll when he'd try to move or drink. She sent me some pictures of him with his severe head tilt before she put him down and it was heartbreaking and so sad to see my lil Bradbury like that :(.~ Qadoshyah
Monday, June 30, 2008
Posted by Qadoshyah at 11:45 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
New pictures comin'
I've started taking new pictures of all the bunnies. I started with my heat sensitive bunnies - my shadeds & pointed whites. I'll get all the new pics up on the site once all the buns are done. I'm hoping to get to the rest of the buns over the next couple days.
In the meantime, here's a couple pictures:
Caramel ~ I have *never* been able to get good pictures of this girl. But, I finally was able to get some good pics . . . isn't she gorgeous!And, here are a couple pictures of my new doe from Chris, Laci ~
~ Qadoshyah
Posted by Qadoshyah at 11:10 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
The Buns are in Washington
The 3 buns I sent with Kathie Simmons up to the WA state convention finally made it to their new homes this weekend.
Brandy's broken (charlie) chocolate chinchilla jr doe, BD6 made it to the Hill's at Minterbrook Rabbitry.
Cody, a chocolate sr. buck, made it to Amy at Stormie Haven Mini Lops.
And, Bradbury made it to Lisa Davis at Milkhouse Lops. Bradbury's transport wasn't so smooth :(, but hopefully he will be fine with Lisa. Lisa sent down the doe I'm getting from her, Jenny. Jenny should be here the beginning of July, hopefully!
I got an email from Amy tonight saying Cody was enjoying being at his new home and she loves him. I always like getting updates like that :)! Here's a picture of Cody enjoying his new home :)!! Amy makes such a great home for the bunnies!~ Qadoshyah
Posted by Qadoshyah at 8:44 PM 2 comments
Saturday, June 21, 2008
The Heat!
Summer is definitely here!! It's been pretty hot the past few days . . . up to 103 yesterday! It's almost 90 degrees at 9 o'clock this morning already, which means it'll be another 100+ degree day.
The buns are all fairing well though. They are handling this weather just fine. The barn gets warmer than I'd like in this kind of weather - about 90 degrees. But with wet pant-legs, misters going, a breeze going through the barn, and such low humidity where we live, the buns are doing fine.
I am hoping to be able to get some new pictures of all the bunnies sometime soon here. I want to get some good pics of the pointeds before their color totally fades for the summer (Kristen's color has already started to fade *a little*). I'll have to get up early before the heat comes, so the buns won't be hot and uncooperative! I'll get pictures of Laci too soon, Lord willing.
Laci's settling in really well. Thankfully, she is a very sweet and calm doe when I hold her. She is very shy in her cage, but will hopefully come around.
~ Qadoshyah
Posted by Qadoshyah at 8:58 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 16, 2008
Bunnies In & Bunnies Out
Amber left today and so did Milky's blue doe, MC6. I only have two bunnies left available :(!
I also got a new bunny in today . . . I've been waiting for her for about a month. She came from Chris Desurra and is a red-eyed-white jr. doe, Desurra's White Lace!!!!!! Laci's a very cute and sweet doe. I will try to get pictures of her tomorrow once she is settled in a little more. A big thanks goes to Chris for selling me this doe he was going to keep :). I think she will be a great addition to the pointeds . . . a new line and some nice type, exactly what they need.
All the other buns are doing well. The weather is pretty hot now, but the buns are all handling it well, thankfully.
More later . . .
~ Qadoshyah
Posted by Qadoshyah at 9:39 PM 0 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
5 Bunnies Gone!
Just a quick update tonight . . .
5 bunnies left today! 4 of my bunnies and Cinnamon, Michael's doe I was housing.
2 bunnies are beginning their trip to WA . . . my bk chocolate buck, Bradbury who's going to Lisa. Michael's doe I was housing, Cinnamon, she's going to Nicole Velotta.
1 bunny went to Amy Ma at Venus Green ~ San Diego Rabbitry . . . Val's black pointed white buck, VJ7.
1 bunny is going to a family in Oceanside as a pet, a little brkn black doe :).
And the last bunny is going to Heidi . . . Sugar's broken blue buck.
That frees up two open cages, almost 3 . . . just gotta move out a few more babies. One of those cages will be filled again in just a couple days Lord willing . . .more to come on that!
Pretty soon I will only have the bunnies that are coming to Oklahoma with us. I won't have any babies for a few months - I'll miss that :(.
The weather has warmed up . . . almost 100 degrees today. Thankfully the misters do a pretty good job and it still cools down at night. . . I'm thankful for dry heat - no humidity where we are here!!
~ Qadoshyah
Posted by Qadoshyah at 11:04 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Random Pictures
5 bunnies will be leaving tomorrow, 2 more should be leaving Sunday, Lord willing. That just leaves 2 jr. does out of all my litters and all the "for sale" buns. And, I think I know who those two bunnies will go to anyways :). That only "opens" up a couple cages, really.
I did a "head count" the other day and I will be taking 29 bunnies to Oklahoma, Lord willing . . . two of those are the babies going to Finland in September. So, I'm 2 carrier holes short - anyone have any single hole carriers they want to sell?
Here's are a couple pictures from tonight in the barn . . . . I didn't put all the pics that I took up tonight, since our internet is being a bit slow right now, hopefully tomorrow though :). . .
Brandy ~ my little ham ;) ~Swissy, one of my retired gals ~
~ Qadoshyah
Posted by Qadoshyah at 10:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
I updated the website quite a bit today!
I put new pictures up of all my juniors I am keeping. I also put a couple new juniors up - Josh & Clara.
I updated the sale page as well. We only have 3 eight week old does left - two of Amber's babies and 1 of Milky's babies. Milky's blue doe is VERY promising! I also have the senior doe, Amber, available still.
Check the site out here!!
~ Qadoshyah
Posted by Qadoshyah at 5:44 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
Senior doe & some minor updates!
Things fell through with the person who wanted Amber, so I have a senior chestnut agouti mini lop doe available ~
SSR's Amber - $40.
Amber has 1 leg and she is a gorgeously typed doe. She is proven and is an excellente mother. I am keeping her daughter, Hoppin's Tara, and just don't need Amber in my breeding program right now! Let me know if you're interested in her!!
I also went through and posed Val's babies on Sunday (day 56). I have decided to keep one of her black pointed whites. So, I am keeping the chocolate pointed white, Hoppin's Justin, and the nicest black pointed white, Hoppin's Josh. I'll try to get new pictures of all my juniors and my new junior doe, Clara tomorrow, Lord willing.
~ Qadoshyah
Posted by Qadoshyah at 10:46 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Small updates
There's not too much to update about.
One of my babies left for their new home today - Sugar's lilac buck left with his new owners, Jamie & Scott, from Arizona :). Hopefully he'll be a great buck for their new rabbitry!!
A few other buns will be leaving this week also - almost all of my babies actually!
The weather is starting to warm up, so we'll have to start dealing with the summer heat! The part of the summer that I don't like . . . bunnies & heat.
I found a ride (thankfully!) for Bradbury & Cinnamon, they will be leaving to start their trip to WA this weekend :). In a few weeks, I'll be getting my doe from Lisa, Lord willing. I'll also be getting a new doe this coming week :)! More info to come about her once she arrives . . .stay tuned.
~ Qadoshyah
Hoppin' Herd of Hares
Posted by Qadoshyah at 4:12 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Babies are leaving & more!
Well, the babies are starting to go to their new homes. All of Mocha's babies, except for the one I am keeping, Dallas, are gone. Sugar's babies are all sold and will start leaving for their new homes in a few days, same with Val's & Totsie's babies. Most of Milky's & Amber's babies are sold and will be leaving to their new homes in a few days as well.
We only have a handful of babies left available: Totsie's gold tip'd lilac steel buck (he's very nice!), Milky's blue doe, Amber's blue doe (she is "on hold") & gold tip'd blue steel doe, and Milky's black buck.
These will be out last litters until the fall when we are settled and moved into Oklahoma, Lord willing. . . what a long stretch it'll be without any cute lil babies :(.
We finally had a nice day today, so I got some much needed barn cleaning done - soaked all the dura trays in vinegar and scrubbed them clean - so much nicer!!
I have a new addition to the barn . . .Hoppin's Clara. She's a solid chocolate doe from Michael. Her sire is my buck, Daiquiri and her dam is Michael's doe, Truffle. She's an adorable and very nice little girl, very thick and smooth. She should be a great addition to the barn :)!! Will get pics soon, Lord willing.
I also have Michael's sr. doe, Cinnamon here for a short time, until she finds a ride up to N. CA to Kathie Simmons and then she'll be heading to Nicole Velotta in WA. But, in the meantime, I have cute lil Cinnamon here. She's so adorable and so sweet!
~ Qadoshyah
Posted by Qadoshyah at 2:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
Feeding, Fur & Condition
I plan to put informative posts up on here fairly regularly once things settle down here . . . so hopefully this fall/winter, Lord willing :). But, I had someone email me asking me some questions about fur condition and what I do for the buns, so I thought it would be beneficial to share on the blog:
With my babies, I free feed them oatmeal from the time they are 3 weeks old. As they are juniors, I give them oatmeal every few days or so. I’ve found feeding the babies oatmeal really helps with their condition (fur and body). I noticed a huge difference between the babies I had that I didn’t free feed oats and the babies I free-fed oats, when I first started doing this about 4 ½ years ago or so.
I don’t give my buns any kind of particular supplement, like the cage suppliers sell. I do like to give them something in the evenings (just ‘cuz I like to spoil them J), so I give them either hay (Bermuda grass hay is what I feed), black oil sunflower seeds (just a pinch), barley (like 1/8 cup), or oats (1/4-1/2 cup), or pumpkin seeds (just a pinch – these are good for a worming preventative). Some days I don’t give anything (at least twice a week, they don’t get anything in the evening).
We’re in the CA high desert, so the weather can get really hot and really cold here too. The last few weeks have been insane in the temps – 100 degrees about 2 weeks ago, then dropped down to the 50’s and we had rain, now it’s in the high 70’s to 80’s with some windy days and some not windy days.
Yes, the temperature really does have a lot to do with the fur quality. Thankfully the strange weather we have had lately has not affected by bunnies coats at all – they haven’t even started blowing their coats amazingly!
When the weather is going nuts, especially when it suddenly cools down again, I try to make sure I give the buns oats, hay or barley in the evening, since that helps them warm up and gives them something to do. I also make sure they have toys in their cages to play with, to keep them moving.
When it is very windy, especially when the temp is cold too, I keep the barn shut up (except for the windows at the top of the barn for air flow), so that the buns don’t get a big cold draft.
My barn isn’t a steady temperature, but when it is hot, it stays about 15-20 degrees cooler (I use misters). When it is cold my barn stays around 50-55 (depending on how cold it is), unless the outside temp is below freezing or in the 20’s, then the barn temp may get down to 38.
I really think a good feed has a lot to do with fur quality. The weather does greatly affect that too, but I am just so surprised that my buns have held their condition this whole winter and the past few months despite the crazy weather we’ve had.
~ QadoshyahPosted by Qadoshyah at 10:00 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Sale Page . . .
Due to various reasons, I have decided to keep Sugar for now :). I don't mind at all, since she is such a great doe!
I also added some new pictures of one of the junior does - Black Jr. doe - to the for sale page. She's a gorgeous, very promising little doe!
Amber is "on hold" for now also.
~ Qadoshyah
Posted by Qadoshyah at 12:58 PM 0 comments