Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Lots of happenings

Wow, I seriously have been in a posting hiatus on this blog!

A lot has gone on in the last few weeks.

12 bunnies left to their new homes in the last week: 2 to Indiana (via Ohio "mini convention"), 2 to TX, 2 to NM, 2 to a breeder in OK, 2 to KS, and 2 to another breeder in OK.

A trio of chocolates will be shipped out to New York within the next week to week and a half, Lord willing.

Diamond has been bred to Lamborghini. That should be a very nice litter! I'll be breeding Prudence & Melinda to Lamborghini soon as well.

Kahlua kindled to a litter of 4 on Tuesday night. 2 broken chocolates (yay!), 1 black and 1 black agouti. Krissie is due tomorrow. And then we have a few more does due after that.

Brianna went to her new home this week...which happens to be to a breeder just a couple miles down the road :). She is also bred to Lamborghini and I'll be getting a baby back from her. Those should be some VERY nice, colorful babies.

So, there's a quick run-down of what's been happening in the barn :).
