Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fibre3 & other news

Fibre3 came up again on the RabbitHabbit Forums. Since it's such a new feed, a lot of breeders are considering trying it out and switching to it. For those of us who are using it already, they like to be kept updated on what we've seen and how we like it, so they ask for updates every so often. I thought I'd post here what I posted on the forum:

I've been using it about a month now and like it. I plan to continue using it, unless I see negative effects from it.

The 3 biggest things I've noticed since starting it are:

1) The bunnies LOVE it. It's always fresh, green & has hardly ANY dust. My most finicky doe, who has never come to the front of her cage for food, is always at the door of her cage waiting to be fed. All of my others have done this, just because they love attention. But, she is not into attention, so it's nice to see this change.

2) My old gal, Truffle (a little over 5 yrs old), has had a messy butt for awhile. Nothing has ever changed it. I've tried oats, cleaning her up, etc, etc. After about two weeks of being on Fibre3 she was COMPLETELY clean. Nothing on her butt at all. I did nothing different, but add the new feed.

3) I've had a couple bunnies who were out of condition pretty bad and within a VERY short amount of time, they had their condition back very well. I was surprised at how fast it was back and I hardly did any supplementing.

- - I have not noticed any adverse effects as far as the quality of their coat & such. I have several who have just finished molting and their fur is great. Very soft & lustrous. I even have several with "prime lines" in their coats, which is a bit different.

Kiss' baby is doing great still! I think this baby will be just fine. Kiss has plenty of milk for the little fellow ;). I'm very curious as to what color this baby will be . . . the waiting game . . . .

I hope to get some does bred in the next few days. Maybe on Friday. Got a lot of prep work to do tomorrow (Wed.) for the Thanksgiving meal we're having on Thursday. Yum :).

~ Qadoshyah