Remember the Rabbit Breeding Book giveaway a couple weeks ago? Well, Sarah Martin wanted to also write a guest blog post for our blog. So, I thought that would be kind of fun. With guest blog posts and if we continue to do some here and there, we, at Hoppin' Herd of Hares, may not necessarily agree with everything written. Or do things as is written in the guest post. But, it is still helpful information.
to Expect When Your Rabbit's Expecting
Quick Guide to Pregnant Rabbit Care
by Sarah Martin
for your pregnant rabbit to give birth is one of the most exciting times in any
rabbit breeders life. The day you check on your mama-to-be and find a nest full
of adorable baby bunnies is such a fun and fulfilling experience, your a bunny
before your doe gives birth she'll need a few things from you to make sure that
everything goes well and the babies arrive happy & health. Keep reading to
discover when these key times are and what you need to do to before your doe
Breeding - Break out the calendar!
rabbit breeder should keep a good breeding calendar, in an easy to see place,
so they can track & stay on top of important dates and deadlines for their
soon to be mama rabbits.
down these dates (count out from the day you mated your rabbits):
21 - Start giving your doe all the food she wants to eat (also called free
feeding) so she can store up & support the growth of her new babies.
28 - Nest box time! Take a rabbit nest box, stuffed with soft hay (like Timothy
Hay or Bermuda Grass) and place it inside your doe's cage so she can start
building her nest.
always preferred metal nest boxes because they're easy to clean and sanitize
between litter (and they don't get chewed up by the rabbits) but wooden nest
boxes will insulate better if you live somewhere cold (or its a cooler time of
year). Another perk of wooden nest boxes is that they are very easy to make
yourself if you're a "handy" kind of person.
sure you avoid putting the nest box in the corner of the cage that your doe
uses as her bathroom area, you don't want her to decide that the nest box is
actually a litter box.
28-35 - Wait for those babies! Most does will kindle (a rabbit-tech term for
giving birth) on the 30th or 31st day after mating but they can give birth any
time between the 28th and 35th day, so be patient!
you're doe hasn't given birth after the 35th day is highly unlikely that she's
pregnant and you'll want to re-breed her and try again. Some does will build a
nest in their nest box, even when they're not pregnant (called a
false-pregnancy) so you can't always take nest building as an indicator that
they are "with child".
the above steps will set you and your doe up to a happy delivery and healthy
batch of baby bunnies. Don't forget that this is only a quick guide and, if
you're new to rabbit breeding, it's a great idea to learn more about mating,
birth, and raising baby rabbits before you start breeding. Be prepared and you
you'll have less worries and more time to enjoy with your cuddly babies bunnies
and their proud mama.
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