Abby's & Rum's babies are 3 1/2 wks old now, so they were overdue for their baby pictures.
You can see their pictures at: &
Kayla has 3 babies left out of her litter of 7 (although 1 was DOA). Her litter most certainly has me puzzled. I know who the sire is. I know what color the babies are supposed to be. But, I also know what color they look like at the moment - something which is genetically impossible. So, we'll see what color their eyes are when they open!
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Abby's & Rum's babies!
Posted by Qadoshyah at 2:47 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 21, 2011
New baby pictures!
Krissie's litter of 10 is 5 1/2 wks old now. So, I went ahead and typed them all yesterday and took pictures. Wow, I'm very impressed! What an extremely consistently typed litter. There are only a couple in the litter which aren't my favorites. But, overall they show tons of promise.
All but 7 or 8 of the babies are reserved at the moment. If you are interested in a baby, let me know though! I forgot to add the names onto the babies which are reserved, so will do that sometime.
If you have a baby reserved from this litter, I'll email ya more later hopefully. At least the pictures are up!
You can see them here:
Posted by Qadoshyah at 7:26 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Kayla & Courtney both got their nestboxes the other day. They're both due the beginning of next week. Kayla has been nesting like crazy, so I'm glad to see that. I'm just hoping that Courtney will have no problems and pass the mummified kit(s) from last time.
I'll be taking new pictures of Krissie's babies tomorrow, Lord willing. They are looking quite promising!
Diamond's spotted broken baby.
And then one of her heaviest patterened babies :).
One of Rum's babies peeking out of the cage. They are at the wild 2 wk old age.
Another of Rum's fat babies.
I thought this was a cute picture. Both Diamond & Rum nursing their babies at the same time in the morning...
One of Abby's broken babies.
And the pile of Krissie's babies :)!
How close together can you get?!
Posted by Qadoshyah at 11:45 AM 0 comments
Friday, March 18, 2011
Quick Update
Just a really fast update to say, I'll share more later, Lord willing! Here are a couple quick pictures for the time being.
One of Diamond's brokens.
Abby's FAT little babe!
Posted by Qadoshyah at 9:22 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 11, 2011
For those in OK & surrounding states
Posted by Qadoshyah at 1:08 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 10, 2011
28 babies
Diamond kindled to 6 babies yesterday. 5 brokens, 1 solid. All of them are black based babies. I was so hoping for more chocolates, but they should be gorgeously typed babies. Diamond & Landon compliment each other SO well!
Krissie's babies are all doing great. And same with the other 2 litters - Rum's & Abby's. Rum has 4 blacks, 1 chestnut and 1 chocolate chinchilla. Abby has 3 broken black agoutis, 2 solid black chins & 1 chocolate chin.
(Yes, I'm quite tired of having chinchillas!)
But, I am thankful that my does are doing great with their litters and giving me nice big litters. The baby count is at 28.
One of Diamond's brokens.
Another one of her babies. I really like this one's pattern. It's so spotty!
All 6 of her babies....
Rum's babies.
Rum's choc. chinchilla.
One of Rum's black babies.
Abby's babies.
The little choc. chin trying to nurse on my hand :).
Rum, who is such a great mama....seeming to wonder what I'm going to do with her box, LOL.
The weather is gorgeous today. It's sunny & warm, so it's about time for me to head outside for a short run and breed a couple does.
Posted by Qadoshyah at 1:38 PM 0 comments
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Quick Post...
Just a real quick post....
There are new, individual pictures of Krissie's litter of 10 at:
Posted by Qadoshyah at 9:17 PM 0 comments
Big Picture Update Coming!
I spent several hours outside today and a little while outside a couple days ago clipping nails, brushing & getting new pictures of all the bunnies. There's just a few who didn't make it in, as they don't look as hot as they normally do. Like my 3 does on litters & 1 prego doe. They look fine, but their posing & condition is a bit "flabby" right now, LOL.
Also sexed all of Krissie's babies and she has 5 does & 5 bucks. Perfect split for 10 babies! I got pictures of all of her babies this morning, so will be working on getting them up on the website tonight too, Lord willing.
For now though, I'll leave you with a sneak peak of the pictures.
The photo-studio set up :).
The "supply" corner...all organized.
And my retired girl, Sugar. Anyone need a pillow to sleep on, LOL! She's got on large dewlap.
Yes, she was a momma to a lot of babies at one time in her life, LOL. She was such a good momma too!
And my other retired girl, Brandy.
She's a bit smaller than Sugar in the dewlap department. But, she's got her own pillow still!
My retired girls are so cute, aren't they?!
And Krissie's babies are all out of the box now.
Posted by Qadoshyah at 3:53 PM 1 comments
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Krissie's babies
I have more that I can write on the blog, but for now, I will just share pictures of Krissie's babies. They're 2 1/2 wks old and lookin' quite cute!
All 10 of her babies!
The smallest baby taking a wandering from the rest of the crew :).
And a few individual pictures....
Just the chocolates.
Just the blacks.
I'll post more later, Lord willing!
Posted by Qadoshyah at 9:03 PM 0 comments