I spent several hours outside today and a little while outside a couple days ago clipping nails, brushing & getting new pictures of all the bunnies. There's just a few who didn't make it in, as they don't look as hot as they normally do. Like my 3 does on litters & 1 prego doe. They look fine, but their posing & condition is a bit "flabby" right now, LOL.
Also sexed all of Krissie's babies and she has 5 does & 5 bucks. Perfect split for 10 babies! I got pictures of all of her babies this morning, so will be working on getting them up on the website tonight too, Lord willing.
For now though, I'll leave you with a sneak peak of the pictures.
The photo-studio set up :).
The "supply" corner...all organized.
And my retired girl, Sugar. Anyone need a pillow to sleep on, LOL! She's got on
large dewlap.
Yes, she was a momma to a lot of babies at one time in her life, LOL. She was such a good momma too!
And my other retired girl, Brandy.
She's a bit smaller than Sugar in the dewlap department. But, she's got her own pillow still!
My retired girls are so cute, aren't they?!
And Krissie's babies are all out of the box now.