Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Yesterday I got the website all updated. New pictures of several seniors and juniors. And I realized there are a few seniors who need updated pictures really bad, so I'll work on getting new pictures so that all the pictures will be current.

Krissie got rebred to Cade before he left last week. So, hopefully she took and hoping for lots of chocolates and broken chocolates :). Also bred Brianna to Kyle today, as I'd really like at least one more litter before he leaves. He's such a pretty boy!

The 3 litters born last week are doing great. Jana's 3 are chestnut agoutis. Kadence's babies are 2 chocolate chestnuts, 1 chestnut agoutis, 1 brkn chestnut agouti, 1 seal chinchilla and 1 brkn "something" (thinkin' it's a shaded variety, as it originally looked like a chocolate and now it doesn't). Kaylee has 4 "pinks" and 2 babies that are looking to be an odd variety. I'll give them a few more days until I say for sure what they are, but I will say that I hope my gut feeling is wrong.
