Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Silence's babies

Silence's babies are almost 4 wks old now and I finally was able to get their pictures up. She has 3 bucks & 3 does. They are all very cute babies...and so chunky!

I'll put a few of their pictures here and you can see the rest at this link.

I'll also share a couple pictures that show the difference between a chocolate sable & a chocolate.

Chocolate sable (Brownie) on the left & Chocolate (Rum) on the right.

And here's a picture of Rum....she's turning out be a gorgeous doe!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

Carrot Time!

These pictures were taken last week sometime when I bought carrots for all the bunnies. They thoroughly enjoy them :)!

Landon ~

Cameron ~

Allie, my fat little baby!

Brandy ~

Diamond ~

Shirley (who is looking just as pretty as her mom & dad!)

Courtney ~

Justin ~

Krissie, who prefers attention rather than food, haha.

Prudence ~

And my 2 silly cats who think the laundry basket that I was using to bring the nestbox of Silence's babies in, was for them!


Friday, January 14, 2011

Silence Babies....Picture Time!

Last night I snapped a few pictures of Silence's babies. They're just a little over 2 wks old now and are at a very cute age!

I think this is my cutest 2 week old baby picture *ever*!

All 6 of them together :)


Thursday, January 13, 2011


The bunnies are all doing well and handling this cold weather quite well. I'm very thankful that their barn is insulated this winter. It's made a huge difference. It's still gotten down to 15 degrees in there, but what can I expect when there's not a heater and the windchill is -5 degrees outside! That's the next step....getting a decent heater for next winter, so they won't get below 32 degrees. But, progress on barns can take some time :).

Thankfully it's quite a bit warmer today and is a few degrees about freezing, which is nice. So, the buns are enjoying some sunlight & fresh air in the barn today.

Krissie is bred to Landon as of the 11th. I'm planning to head outside in a few to try to breed Abby & Diamond. They both need to be bred bad, but this weather makes it fairly difficult as far as the does being receptive.

Courtney & Brownie both palpate positive. They're due the 28th.

Silence's babies are all doing great and getting so big! They are very cute babies with huge heads! I'll work on getting some pictures today, Lord willing.

Brianna's babies are just over 8 wks old. 3 of them are for sale: 1 silver tip'd black steel jr. buck, 1 black jr. buck & 1 silver tip'd sable steel jr. doe. You can see pictures & more info at the for sale page. They are very promising babies!

Well, I think that's about it for the time being!


Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Website, Babies & Pictures

 The bunnies are doing good and staying pretty warm in their insulated barn :).

Got the website updated today. You can check it out here.

Silence kindled to a litter of 6 on the 28th of December. All are chestnut agoutis and chinchillas. I think a couple of the chins are seal chins, but we'll see for sure in a few. Here are some pictures of Silence's litter:

I was out of town for about 5 days last week, but I had my family breed a few does that I needed to get bred. So, Diamond is bred to Landon. Courtney to Jordan. And Brownie to Justin. Just have to breed Abby still. But, I'll wait until I palpate these girls to see if I need to rebreed any of them.

Also got back a doe I had sold when she was a baby (Brownie). She's a chocolate sable and will be really good use with the pointed whites to get more chocolate pointed whites. Especially since her sire, Justin, is a chocolate pointed white!

Krissie's one baby that I kept out of the litter stayed with her until a little over 8 wks, since I was out of town when she turned 8 wks old. And, wow, I've never had such a fat baby. She's 8 wks old and already has a little dewlap starting, LOL. Seriously, I think Krissie had plenty of milk for all 9 babies that she was preggo with until the very end (but she only raised 2, since 7 were DOA). As soon as I got home and was out in the barn for any length of time, I weaned miss Allie. Here are a couple pics of Allie :) ~

And I'll close with a few random pictures from the barn today:

Landon eating his food this morning

Kahlua waiting for some head rubs

Miss Courtney sitting in her cage
