Friday, September 14, 2012

I'm Here...more like, I'm Back :)!

Well, life has been very busy the last few months. I have been actively involved in politics and it took lots of work leading up to the Republican National Convention which was at the end of August. I spent 2 weeks in Tampa the end of August for the RNC. It's been the experience of a lifetime and one I would never change. It has not been an easy journey, but it is worth it, because I'm standing up for what is right. You can view all the details about the trip and what went on down there at my political blog here.

The bunnies are doing great. It's been kind of a slow time in the barn. I haven't taken the time to breed any does for a few months now, so my last litters were born the beginning of June. I've just started breeding does again, so hopefully we'll have a barn full of babies soon!

With everything that has been going on, I was contemplating selling out. I know, I know! The response I saw from my family was "What?!"...and I thought, if they responded like that, everyone else would really freak out too. Ha! So, no, I am not selling, I am just down sizing my herd some for the  moment.

So, I do have a lot of very nice does available, as well as a couple bucks. You can view them on my sale page.

I also finally got my website updated with new pictures on almost all the bunnies, so check out the site!

Mercedes is one of my younger senior does, who I will be breeding soon :).

Brent is a gorgeous senior buck!

This little girl is out of one of the litters from our red buck. Isn't she beautiful?! She will be going down to southwest Oklahoma to a breeder down there who will be working on the reds.

Brioni is one of my young senior does also. She is downright beautiful!

Angie is another young senior doe who is very nice! I am selling Angie, so check out the for sale page for more about her.

Lamborghini Jr. is such a cutie. He's a young senior buck who has a monster of a head on him. He reminds me so much of his grandma, Lamborghini :).

And Lexus is always a beauty!

Erika is one of just turned senior does. She is out of Krissie and acts *just like her*...such a sweetheart.

This little guy is adorable. Bacardi is my keeper out of one of my litters born in June.

Natasha is another one of my keepers out of my June litters. She is out of Keerah's first litter here. Another favorite.

And I'll close with a funny picture of one of the barn kitties!



Ashley said...

Yay!!! I was so excited when I saw that you had blogged! :) Glad to hear that you and the bunnies are doing good! And very glad you decided to keep going with the bunnies! They are all beautiful as always! Good luck with your upcoming litters!