The weather was absolutely beautiful day. It felt like springtime and it's only the beginning of February. Wowzers. Praise the Lord. So, I did a big cleaning of the barn - trays cleaned, cat litterboxes changed, barn swept, etc.
Once springtime really rolls around I plan to do a deep-cleaning of the barn by taking everything out and scrubbing the cages, walls, floor, etc. It needs a good deep cleaning once or twice a year (at least I like that - I'm kind of picky ;)).
I decided to let Justin have free run of the barn. I had to keep a lid on his retired cage, otherwise he'd jump/climb out. So, I thought I'd move him out and see how he does. He's SO hyper active, so we'll see if he can manage being out :).
I moved Miss Lily (my brother's 9 week old French Lop) into Justin's old retired cage. I think she is probably a French Lop/Rhinelander cross (like someone trying to bring in the tri colors to the French Lops), as her ears are up and down and all funky. Not too big of a deal though, as my brother likes her so much and she is such a sweet and funny girl.
As you may notice, all the waters are "yellow." They are yellow from Aqua-Vites and Apple Cider Vinegar being in the water. I have had some serious breeding issues the past few months. My bucks and does will breed, but no one takes (except for a doe here and there, but even then I've had babies born early or DOA). So, I decided to research and see if I could figure it out.
A lot of other breeders in Oklahoma are having similar breeding problems. Through research they have found out that due to the drought, Vitamin A levels in the feed (especially the alfalfa) are too low. So, I'm supplementing with Aqua-Vites and Apple Cider Vinegar (high in Vit. A) to see if this will make a difference. I was considering switching feeds, but I do not want to unless I absolutely have to. So, hopefully this does it. The rabbits have also been getting some carrots too for the Vit. A. I'll report back in 10 days to see if all the does I bred tonight took, Lord willing :).
In other news, my family's goats are all popping babies out! They have had 26 babies born so far this year. Mini Nubians & Nubians. They are all so adorable. Since all the babies are bottle raised, they sure are fun and cute to have around. Because it was such a gorgeous day today, the babies got to run around in the x-pen outside for a little while. So, I took some time to watch the kids :).
What a beautiful sunset there was tonight!